Third Stop……Oslo, Norway

The two day trip, to get to Oslo, was well worth it.  It is  apparent that this is a country that respects it’s heritage and takes care of it’s people.  It is a large city with many tourists, as were the other two countries.  We ate breakfast today in a little outside cafe and then took a ferry to an island area so we could visit the Norwegian Folk Museum.  They have moved many buildings that are quite old, to the museum area, to document it’s history.  I had hoped to visit the weaving cottage, but it is closed on Monday’s.  A nice restoration woodworker let us in the back gate so that we at least got to view the outside displays.  I had hoped to talk to the weaver, but it wasn’t to be.  In another part of the museum I was able to view some very old looms.  From that museum we took a cute little put-put train to the Viking museum.  The ships are a very unique shape with a high bow and stern.  We took the ferry back to the bridge area and had to stop for a McFlurry.  Yes, every coundtry we have stopped in have a McDonalds.  We are back at the apartment resting up as we still have two days in Norway and much to do.      Check back to see what we are up to.