First full day at sea

Saturday Aug. 13

Today is our first day at sea. Breakfast was delicious and we were off to hear the Naturest talk about the history, and traditions of Alaska.  His name is Brent, and he has made me fall in love with the Alaska that I haven’t even seen yet.  I will definitely try not to miss his lectures.  Michael tried to get into an iphone class, but it had filled too quickly.  I went to a watercolor class which I loved.  It’s been a long time since I painted, and it was fun and challenging.  Big lunch again, and boohoo, we both took a nap.  We missed the lecture on bears, but all his lectures are available on the big screen in our room.  Dinner was wonderful, and we are learning a few words to help us order our meals with some of the gourmet ingredients that we aren’t familiar with. We went to the later show, which was Broadway.  Wow, so much talent.  Definitely my cup of tea. It’s been a great day.