First Port Ketchikan

Up early today, to get breakfast, and then bundle up for our first excursion.  Ketchkan is a cute little harbor town in southern Alaska. 

  We had chosen the Misty Fyords Wilderness trip.  We boarded the catamaron and the excursion began. 

 The Fyords were majestic, beautifully surrounding the channel that our boat traveled.  The clouds were low in someplaces, and looked beautiful against the green, blue, purple and gold colors in the mountains.  This area is completely unspoiked and because of the frequent rainfall, it is gorgeously green.

 What a beautiful state. We found Ketchikan to be a cute novel town, with population around 14,000.  Most of the industry has to do with the cruise ships, and pier stores which are jewelry and souveniers (most of which are imports from China).  I think the harvesting of Salmon is also profitable for this city.  Well, back on board and we went to a lecture on whales.  Very informative, and I hope everyone I know will support the save the whale groups.  They are beautiful, intelligent mammals, who are monogamous with their mate through life.  There is no good reason to butcher them.  Another tidbit I learned today is that salmon are also monogamous with their mate, and do not choose another mate, unless theirs dies.

Michael & I are two of the bravest people you will ever meet.  Today we encountered a bear.  We treated him very kindly, and he did not bite us, or mall us.  Yes, we are so brave!!!!!