The Beauty of Tracy Arms

What in the world are we doing up at 6:30 a.m.  Oh yes,  it’s time to bundle up and get ready to go to the observation deck to watch our trip through Tracy arms.

  It was most breathtakingly beautiful and well worth the early rise.  We sat on the observation deck until almost 9:00 a.m. and drank hot chocolate and took pictures.  Finally we approached Sawyer Glacier.


 Stunningly beatiful in it’s magnificance. We are told that a new record was set as the captain got quite close the to glacier.  There were many small ice break offs floating everywhere, and we were able to see some seals sitting on the ice, and slipping in the water.  I get cold just thinking about it, but it was exciting to watch. 

 When we came back inside, we watched one of the kitchen staff, carve an ice sculpture of a whale.    Wow, what an art.

We are now back at sea heading for Juneau. Here is Juneau, in a beautiful mountain cove.   We have an exciting excursion scheduled to come back and find out what the Venclauskas’s are doing in Alaska.