Day 3 is Great

I may be tired, but I woke up early with excitement as I was scheduled for class that was sure to be a favorite.  Two years ago, I had gone to the Folk School in the North Carolina mountains to take a class on rigid heddle weaving with a teacher  who had inspired me through her website  since I started weaving.  We were settled in our cabin the day before the workshop, but during the night, I became ill, and ended up the the emergency room.  We returned to Tallahassee with an opportunity lost, to study under this teacher.  So this morning,  I couldn’t wait for the class, and it did not disappoint me as it was informative, fun, and inspiring.

I completed this scarf and am very pleased with it.

At the end of class I told her about the class of hers that I had missed, and she remembered the incident and commented on how bad the class had felt for me, when they heard.  It just goes to show that when you miss something good, patience may bring you another opportunity.

Syne Mitchell & Sharon

While I was in class, Michael walked down to the harbor, and visited a retirement home on the water, because he wanted to see if they had a nice pool table.  Some people have a one track mind.

After dinner, we both went to the vender hall and I had a great time looking at all the goodies.  The surprise for me, was how interested Michael was in the supplies, especially the computerized looms.  I could hardly keep track of him.

My friend Ramona had suggested I look up Kelly Martin, from Minneapolis, who does fabulous rep weaving.  She is an interior designer who has a 3000 square foot studio, and multi looms, so she designs custom home accessories for customers.  She weaves rugs, table accessories, wall hangings and more.  Her work is amazing, and some of her products can be seen in the following pictures.

Kelly Martain & Sharon

We also ran into Robyn Spady, who had done a weaving workshop in Tallahassee.  We had a great visit and enjoyed seeing her goodies in her vender booth.

Robyn Spady & Sharon

Of course we had to visit the best yarn suppliers in world, Lunatic Fringe, and there booth and display reflected an amazing array of color, and it was noted that that booth stayed consistently busy.  I guess I’m not the only one that thinks their yarn is awesome.

We finally hiked our way back to the hotel, and we both can say, it was a good day.