Day 3 Paris and more Emotions

We are thankful for such beautiful weather with sunshine and barely 70 degrees.  our first event of the day was to visit the Louvre.  It  is so huge with miles of  walking to see the art pieces.

paris louvre

It was almost surreal gazing at the Mona Lisa and reflecting on the character of Da Vinci.  We have such an array of  art materials available to us, that I have to wonder about the ingenuity of artists of the 16th century.

Mona Lisa

We saw many wonderful masters paintings and have renewed appreciation for the masters.  There were so many people there, from many countries, yet with the common excitement and respect for art.

We ate lunch at the  Louvre and then headed for the Cathedral of  Notre Dame.  It is 8 centuries old and displays wonderful gothic architecture.   We walked the inside of the cathedral and saw beautiful gold  & silver increments.  Once again we saw people from all parts of the world giving  interest and respect to  a great Christian site.

Cathedral of Notra Dame

I loved the beautiful stained glass windows and found that many reminded me of quilting patterns I have seen or used.

Windows of Cathedral

We saw some gorgeous robes that were hand embroidered.

robes at Cathedral

This was a remarkable  part of out travels today.  We are tired from the fast paced  several days in Paris, and will rest tonight in preparation for another great day tomorrow.