Day 6 Paris Mixed Emotions

Today is our last full day in Paris and it has been so delightful that we aren’t sure we are  ready to leave this beautiful city.  We have lots of fun and exciting things ahead, but Paris has been wonderful.

Today is Michaels 75th birthday, and we will celebrate by having dinner and a show at the Moulon Rouge.  We can’t wait.  Michael was pleasantly surprised this morning with birthday cards  from his two oldest children and enjoyed them very much.  Way to go Carrie & Brian.

In the meantime we are busy packing  for tomorrows flight to Amsterdam. (scary)   But we do look forward to finding a Starbucks at the airport, (that is if we find the airport).  Just two more little stops before we get to Ireland.  I am so excited about that.

Our youngest son, who brought us on this trip, has called twice now, since they left yesterday, as well as called home to have our middle son check up on us.   What does this say about how things turn around when we get older.  We raise & take care of our children when the are small, and when we are seniors, they worry and take care of us.  But we are having such fun, we’ll go ahead and let them continue to think we are feeble.

Back to packing, laundry, and sitting on the balcony watching people, cruise boats on the Sein, and the tower from the balcony.