Category Archives: Europe 2014

Last Day in Ireland

We are pretty exhausted after a 16 day trip, but with the beauty of Ireland, we could easily stay longer.  What a lovely bunch of people we have met here.  We already left a part of our hearts in Paris;  now we will leave part of our hearts in Ireland.  We began the day with  a visit ti St. Patricks Cathedral which is the largest in Ireland.  It is a gorgeous stone structure over 800 years old with any stained glass windows.

st. Patricks Cathedral

We walked in the Cathedral park and stopped by this marker of a well where St Patrick baptized many of the locals.

Marker at Cathedral

When we returned to the car, this car covered with grass was sitting behind us.  Don’t know any more than that.

Grass car


We then visited Trinity College which houses so many bookshelves of manuscripts & books.  We were able to view the Book of Keel which is manuscripts over 1000 years old which scribes copied of the 4 Gospels onto vellum.

trinity College library


On our way back to the hotel,  we accidentally stopped at a park across from the zoo, and were able to feed several of the hundreds of deer.  That was a wonderful experience.


Day 14 Trip to Cliff’s of Moher & back to Dublin

It was difficult to leave the beautiful resort today, but the day was spent traveling the beautiful countryside to  the Cliffs of Moher.  Once there we were in awe at the beauty of these beautiful cliffs.  We enjoyed watching a whale play near the third cliff & didn’t really mind the rain.


Cliffs of moher

We are now back in Dublin with tomorrow being our last day of site seeing.

Day 11. Ireland countryside & more

Today we drove from Dublin to cork, and enjoyed the most beautiful countryside.  There is so much greenery  and the ocean views are breathtaking.


We we stopped along the way to view the Waterford crystal.  Steven was thrilled to hold the National championship trophy for next year.  We all hope it again goes to FSU.


Day 10 London to Ireland & More

We  left London today and flew to dublin, Ireland.  Although it is only an hour flight it is an all day event as the airports are so big & such distances from the cities.  but we are  finally in Ireland.  Tonight we visited the oldest pub in Dublin, the Brazen.  We ordered fish & chips for Michael, and stuffed chicken breast for me.  The room thar we ate in was adorned with old books, bottles and decanters.  There was  live Irish music playing and fun for all.

Brazen pub


tomorrow we head to Corgi.

Day 9. London

Due to us all oversleeping, we  did not do the Stonehedge tous, but opted to visit the London zoo instead.  A new addition to the zoo was this aardvark which had arrive this morning and was being introduced to  the facility.  He is trying to climb the wall in this pic.



Tonight we ate at York &Albany,  one of the Gordon Ramsey restaurants.  I enjoyed roasted lamb while Michael enjoyed sea trout.

Borden Ramsey dinner

We are back at the hotel packing for our flight to Dublin tomorrow.  So excited.


Day 8. Amsterdam to London

We had a lucious breakfast, complete with  mocha latte.  There was some ridiculous issues with Euro Star but finally made it to London.  After one of the best hamburgers we’ve ever had, we went out to Buckingham Palace.  Alas, I didn’t ‘ get to meet Kate & little George, but we did get to chat with a very nice Bobbi.

London & bobbi

We have several activities planned for tomorrow and the we head to Ireland on Friday. Hurrah



Day 7 Paris to Amsterdam

We had an early start today with no Starbucks.  The  Parisians love their expresso so we feel coffee neglected if we don’t get Starbucks.  After two plane flight this morning, (boo). We arrived in Amsterdam and set off for the Van Gogh museum.  It was wonderful seeing his artwork up close and noting his deliberate brush strokes, chose of color and line direction.  Very beautiful work.


Van Gogh Sunflower

We then headed to the Anne Frank house.  It was much different than I expected, but nevertheless I felt goosebumps as I looked at the small quarters and remembered how she had to sit quietly all day so no one would hear her for fear of her life.  We must never allow this holocost to happen again.   Walking through this house brought to mind Somme if the experiences Michael endured as a child.  such a sad time in our world.

Ann Frank house

Hopefully we we get needed rest tonight.  We take a train to London tomorrow.  Haven’t heard from anyone in a while except Tiffy.  I check email everyday so please keep me in the loop

Day 6 Paris Mixed Emotions

Today is our last full day in Paris and it has been so delightful that we aren’t sure we are  ready to leave this beautiful city.  We have lots of fun and exciting things ahead, but Paris has been wonderful.

Today is Michaels 75th birthday, and we will celebrate by having dinner and a show at the Moulon Rouge.  We can’t wait.  Michael was pleasantly surprised this morning with birthday cards  from his two oldest children and enjoyed them very much.  Way to go Carrie & Brian.

In the meantime we are busy packing  for tomorrows flight to Amsterdam. (scary)   But we do look forward to finding a Starbucks at the airport, (that is if we find the airport).  Just two more little stops before we get to Ireland.  I am so excited about that.

Our youngest son, who brought us on this trip, has called twice now, since they left yesterday, as well as called home to have our middle son check up on us.   What does this say about how things turn around when we get older.  We raise & take care of our children when the are small, and when we are seniors, they worry and take care of us.  But we are having such fun, we’ll go ahead and let them continue to think we are feeble.

Back to packing, laundry, and sitting on the balcony watching people, cruise boats on the Sein, and the tower from the balcony.


Day 5 Paris We are on our own

The guys have left to go visit some other countries, so Michael & I are alone in this  5 bedroom apartment with a bit of a quieter schedule.  We slept in, and then went out searching for a Starbucks.  When we finally got there it was closed due to a holiday festivals.  awe found a beatiful pastry shop and picked  up some goodies for tomorrow morning.  aacoffee is out of the question as they only serve expresso except for Starbucks.  We founf this  cute little crepe shop and this  was the perfect place for breakfast.  French crepes and plump, juicy, raspberries.   Yummy.

Breakfast in paris

The weather is pleasant but a little overcast, so here’s hoping the sun comes out so we can continue the day with a Sein river cruise.

We made it on a river cruise and it was wonderful.  The French architecture is so beautiful  and the decorative bridges we passed under had various uniqueness and beauty.

River Cruise

So many Paris locals come down to the Sein to sit along it and picnic, or visit.  Some areas we passed had various  entertainments such as dancing, roller blading, magic acts.

Bridge on Sein River

All in all it’s been a very good day.  But then,  everyday in Paris is a good day.

Day 4 Paris Shopping & More

What a wonderful day this is!!!!!  Once we arrived on  Champs-Elipees things began to  happen.

Very Important !!!!!!  I   found a hat shop.  How fun.   I found two hats I really love and they  are coming home with me

iHat shop in Paris

Then to our surprise, tucked between two stores was a Mercedes shop.  Michael is standing in front of a Gull Wing concept car.

Michael in Paris Mercedes

As we continued to  walk we arrived at the Arch of  Triumph,  Beautiful carvings and lots of people.

Arch of Triam

From there we traveled down the other side of Champs Elipees and the first stop was at Louis Vuitton.  Here I am leaving the store with my new purse.  Wow

louis Vuitton

Our next stop was to pick up a birthday gift for Michaels 75th celebration.    Here is Michael outside the  Rolex store.  We had to pass though 2 locked doors to get in and here is Michael all perked out as he tries on watches.

Rolex store

Happy Birthday Michael

Michaels Rolex

We headed back toward the apartment and stopped for a yummy Nutella Crepe.  Oh, so good.

nutella crepes

A carousel ride is a must when visiting Paris.  Trouble is it is so hard to get up on the horses now.  But it was still fun to ride the carousel standing up.  Too bad Michael wouldn’t join me.


We chose to do the Eiffle tower  at night.  We got up to the second floor and I thought we were at the top, but noooooo.  We still had a long way to go.  I thought about not doing it, but I can’t leave Paris with out going to the top.   It really was scary and cold at the top,  and it.s so far up.  It’s like being on an airplane without the plane being there.

view from tower


And here we are at the top, very scared, but smiling.

Top of tower

I’d say this is a pretty spectacular Day!