Category Archives: Europe-2010

Time square.

So glad that Rockefeller Square doesn’t have an age requirement or skill level requirement for skating. Lots of fun, but I’m terrible!


Cold windy weather as we see a madnificant view from the conservatory


would you like to know who I picked to win the voice?  I pushed the buzzer right after Chari W sang.

Day 13. Another day of beauty

Lots of site seeing this day, and even the rain doesn’t deter us, except for photo taking.   We began and ended the days travels in Killarney, a cute Irish town with much tourist appeal.  In between we traveled the coast of Dingle peninsula, enjoying the great ocean views & quaint villages.


When back in Killarney we found a pub with live music, friendly people &stopped for supper.  There’s been too many great days to keep count.  Ireland is definitely a land of beauty

Day 12. cork to Killarney

First stop out of cork was to Blarney Stone & castle.  There were very beautiful grounds,  we’ll manicured &  landscaped.  The castle was stone and due to the rainy climate the stairs & walkways were wet and the castle was damp.  Michael & I chose to not climb the 10 flights of stone steps so alas, we did not kiss the Blarney Stone.

Blarney castle



We continued on to Killarney to stay at the beautify European Killarney Resort.   This is the view from our balcony.  Such a beautiful country.  I think  you have to be in awe of God’s wonderful creations, when you gaze upon this  gorgeous country.


Day 6 Paris Continued Oh My

Here is the deal..We are back from Moulon Rouge, and it was so fantastic that we don’t know if we will be able to leave in the morning.  We love Paris even more.  The dinner was delicious, but odd.  We started with what we thought would be a salad with duck meat & Mango dressing.  They brought some odd prickly twiggy grass and an odd square..turns out the  square was a duck pate tp spread on bread.  The filet and potatoes were delicious, as was the dessert which I think was caramel custard with raspberries and of course a bottle of wine.  But they wouldn’t have even needed to feed us as the entertainment was so spectacular that we were entranced the whole 1 hours.  The dancing was amazing, as was the singing, singing, juggling, skating, animal acts and more.  I loved every moment of it. I’ve always loved Cabaret.

Moulon Rouge

And so, in the morning we say  goodby to Paris and leave with the most awesome memories  of an amazing week and way too much fun

Our Last Day in Norway

Yes, the time has flown by, and our trip is coming to an end.  We had beautiful weather today with a cool breeze and sunshine.  We walked around the shops by the pier/marina, and the great shopping area by city hall.  We saw the King’s palace, and parliament building.  To end the day downtown we ate at a lovely outside cafe overlooking the water.  We have found the people of Norway to be friendly and helpful.  In fact all three countries have been gracious to our visit.  It has been a perfect trip with some wonderful surprizes along the way.  We are most grateful to have been able to take this trip and it has given us many wonderful memories that we will hold dear to our hearts for years to come.  We have felt God’s presence with us on this trip,  especially during the events in Lithuania.  We have visited the homelands of our grandparents and been a small part of interacting with our heritage.  This trip has truly been a Blessed Journey Home.

Exploring the Fjords

Hi All, 

Today was a cloudy day with 80% rain predicted, but we managed to complete our agenda without a drop  of rain.  We headed back down to Akers Brigge and booked a tour on the Fjords.  We were that first ones on board, hoping to get a seat in the far back for pickture taking.  Lucky us made it to the far back and had a prime picture taking position.  However,  were quite surprised that everytime the host announced a new spot of interest, people jumped out of their seats and raced to the back of the boat, trampling on our feet and falling on top of us, so that they could get a good picture.  The scenery was beautiful, with several islands, accessable only by boat and many summer homes built on steep hills.  The sounds of the waves against the boat were so peaceful but we did get a bit chilled during the cruise.  Upon return to land, we found the solution for our chilled bodies, and stopped for some delicious hot chocolate.   We are going to look for a nice restuarant for tonight, and have plenty of time for shopping and walking the streets tomorrow, before we head home on Thursday.

Third Stop……Oslo, Norway

The two day trip, to get to Oslo, was well worth it.  It is  apparent that this is a country that respects it’s heritage and takes care of it’s people.  It is a large city with many tourists, as were the other two countries.  We ate breakfast today in a little outside cafe and then took a ferry to an island area so we could visit the Norwegian Folk Museum.  They have moved many buildings that are quite old, to the museum area, to document it’s history.  I had hoped to visit the weaving cottage, but it is closed on Monday’s.  A nice restoration woodworker let us in the back gate so that we at least got to view the outside displays.  I had hoped to talk to the weaver, but it wasn’t to be.  In another part of the museum I was able to view some very old looms.  From that museum we took a cute little put-put train to the Viking museum.  The ships are a very unique shape with a high bow and stern.  We took the ferry back to the bridge area and had to stop for a McFlurry.  Yes, every coundtry we have stopped in have a McDonalds.  We are back at the apartment resting up as we still have two days in Norway and much to do.      Check back to see what we are up to.