Category Archives: Europe-2010

Departure Day

Friday, August 6, 2010, our departure day has finally come.  Our children felt that we needed a babysitter for this trip, and we are delighted to have our daughter, Holly, joining us.  She has been taking care of all the details and incidentals, leaving us the opportunity to relax and enjoy.  Those of you who know me well, know how much I don’t enjoy flying and how  emotionally difficult it is.  I like my feet to be on the ground.  The trip from Tallahassee to Atlanta was pretty scary.  It seemed that any moment the sides of the plane might pull apart sending us all into space.  The rest of the trip was much calmer, but it doesn’t mean I like flying.

Getting Ready

This week has been busy, planning what to take, as well as packing.  Thursday was a difficult day, as we had to take our dog babies to the boarders.  Saying goodby was difficult as we never have been away from them for so long.

The Beginning of our Journey

Thank you Carrie for designing and encouraging this blog

For many months, Michael and I have been making plans for our European trip.  We listed many countries to visit, and as we talked about making it a meaningful experience, we finally whittled it down to three main countries which have special meaning to us;  England, Lithuania,and Norway.  Within the next few days, we will be completing the Inspiration page which will explain what filled our hearts with a strong desire to visit these countries.  Please visit that page later this week.