Third Stop……Oslo, Norway

The two day trip, to get to Oslo, was well worth it.  It is  apparent that this is a country that respects it’s heritage and takes care of it’s people.  It is a large city with many tourists, as were the other two countries.  We ate breakfast today in a little outside cafe and then took a ferry to an island area so we could visit the Norwegian Folk Museum.  They have moved many buildings that are quite old, to the museum area, to document it’s history.  I had hoped to visit the weaving cottage, but it is closed on Monday’s.  A nice restoration woodworker let us in the back gate so that we at least got to view the outside displays.  I had hoped to talk to the weaver, but it wasn’t to be.  In another part of the museum I was able to view some very old looms.  From that museum we took a cute little put-put train to the Viking museum.  The ships are a very unique shape with a high bow and stern.  We took the ferry back to the bridge area and had to stop for a McFlurry.  Yes, every coundtry we have stopped in have a McDonalds.  We are back at the apartment resting up as we still have two days in Norway and much to do.      Check back to see what we are up to.

Saturday adventures

Hi All, 

Not a whole lot to report today.  We left Palanga to drive to Vilneious so that we can fly to Norway tomorrow.  Just as we got to town we decided to fill up the car with gas.  Now, I have been asked to not discuss this incident at length, so I won’t mention the name of the person involved, but someone who couldn’t read all the verbage on the gas tank, filled up our car with disiel gas.  Oh dear?   Well they had to tow the car to clean up the engine, and we got a different rental car.  But I’m very glad that I do not have to tell you who caused this little mishap.  Can you guess?

And the story Unfolds

Friday was spent visiting small street shops, which unfortunately sell much imports.  Since Lithuania gained it’s freedon in 1993, it has had a very difficult time with economy and industry.  The towns near the Baltic Sea, Palango & Sventoji are now resort towns and that is a summer only income for many people. 

While shopping in Palanga we came back to a very strange site at our rental car.  Guess who got busted.   (Carrie I will send those two pics seperately and you can delete this statement.

Late afternoon we headed back to the yellow house in Sujento.  A very kind lady opened the door, and when Michael introduced himself as Mindaugus Vencauskas, she showed both surprise and joy.  she had married, Romas a year before and had known Michaels father like family.  Roma said Standley had been taken to a prison by the Russions and upon his release  had moved back to the family house.  He was required to have more people living in the house so he invited his aunt who was caring for Romas as a two year old.  Romas describes Michaels father as a strict, kind and honorableand humorous man and he loved Stanley like a father.  Romas took us to the ccemetary where Stanley was buried after succuming to prostrate cancer and had died in Ramos arms.   Romas and his wife have cared for the beautiful gravesite since Stanley’s death.  While the Russians occupied Lithuania, there were severe consequenses if it was discovered one had relatives in the U.S.  This has brought peace to our hearts as we know that while Stanley longed  to reunite with his family, he was not alone as there were others that loved and cared for him.

We found the House

Today has been a very productive and satisfying day.  We went to the town, Sventoji,  where Michael lived at a young age.  We searched for the bridge where he said he fished as a child, and when things looked the way he pictured them to be, we started looking for the house.  He said the only one that might have been his home was a large yellow one a little ways from the bridge.  We stopped and talked to several people in the community, and finally one man remembered a house that belonged to Venclauskas’s many years ago, and mentioned the name of the next door neighbor who was the same neighbor Michael had known as a child.  And what do you know.  They took us back to the yellow house that Michael had felt a connection with earlier.  That is an amazing, but true story.  We have not as yet talked to the people who live there now, but we will try again tomorrow.  We then drove down by the sea and found the sand dunes.  Michael says his family had hidden behind the sand dunes, while his father watched for the German ships to pass.  Those of you the rest of the story, know that in spite of their careful planning, as they were midst their escape to Sweden, they were caught by the German soldiers. His father was sent to Siberia until he  finally escaped in the mid 70’s and made his way back to Lithuania where he died a month later.  Michael, his mother and brother were taken to a concentration camp in Germany and were finally rescued by Americans and taken to the states. 

We have had some wonderful Lithuanian food an look forward to exploring of this area tomorrow.

Second Stop……….Lithuania

Well, yesterday Michael finally planted his feet on Lithuanian soil for the first time since his family escaped when he was a child.  We landed in Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania and drove down to our target area of Palanga.  Along the way we saw many beautiful old farm homes, and lots of tall trees that looked like a form of evergreen with leaves rather than bristles.  No spanish moss in sight.  We had a lovely dinner at a quaint resturant with lots of Lithuanian choices.  Of course potato pancakes were recognized right away. 

Our apartment landloard, who is very nice, speaks some English and slows down the Lithuaniun dialog.  Dad says they speak so fast here that he is struggling to understand. 

Today we will go searching for his childhood home, and maybe the sand dunes where they hid the day they excaped.

Adventures in London

We had a wonderful time in London, shopping, exploring  and more.  We got a lead on a super shopping  area called Oxford Cicle.  We found diva shops, novelty and some new shopping techniques.  Many serious shoppers in London take rolling suitcases with them to fill with their purchases.  Holly and I are going to practice this for future serious shopptng in Tally when we get back.  The streets were packed and the shopping quite fun.  We found a cute little Belgium chocolate shop thaqt served tea as well and took a few moments to relax.

On Monday, we went to Buckingham Palace to watch the amazing changing of the Guard.  Once again it was so crowed we had to stretch to be able to see.  We walked the nearby streets and admired the beautiful parks.  We located Westminster Abby and enjoyed the striking architecture.  We stopped in the small chapel, and were priveleged to hear a concert by a flutist and pianist.  We ate lunch at a cute English Pub and had a great afternoon.  Wee found the cutest red phone booths and contemplated bringing one home with us, but you know size can be a probem with the luggage

We have become pros with using the underground train system.  We can jump on and off the trains as fastl as anyone.  We walked through a park area to get to the walking bridge and met many celebrities there.  In case you double this, there are pics to prove.  We met Dark Vader, Donald Duck, Mary Poppins, our friend the “Bobby” and more.  They had a very cute carousal, and my opinion is, you are never too old to enjoy the carousel. We did so much walking in London that I have to look down at my feet to make sure there are still there. 

We loved exploring London, and expecially the cool air.  We even enjoyed walking in the little bit of rain we had.

Important info from Holly;  The first American song we heard over hear was by Bon Jovi, Living on a Prayer